Welcome to our new readers!
If you’re receiving this and are unsure why… it’s because at some point you expressed interest in supporting our journey to make transaction fees extinct by 2030.
Sounds unfamiliar?
You might instead recognize us as the company building zero fee NFT escrow.
Either way - thanks for being here.
If you’re interested in learning more about me or what we’re working on → check out our blog and follow us on Twitter.
Here’s a quick update on our progress in the past few weeks.
We’re deep in development for NFT escrow, but before we launch that we’re trying to create value for the community as fast as possible.
Accordingly, we’re starting with our v0 dapp that makes NFT (ERC-721) for ETH sales ridiculously simple (and fee-less).
Here’s how it works!
We’ve deployed the controller contract on Rinkeby testnet, are currently making sure it behaves as expected, and so far so good. We’re also in the process of updating dependencies and streamlining our codebase. We’re scheduling a smart contract audit plus diving into our Web2 security as well by testing the frontend to make sure it also behaves as expected post testnet launch. Tons of progress here.
In short, our V0 is chugging along nicely.
If you’re comfortable playing around on Rinkeby, we’d love for you to help beta test!
Sign up here for details:
We already have 250 people on the v0 waitlist and hungry for more 👀.
We’re actively looking for full stack engineers.
I have an ambitious roadmap for this year (and beyond) and would love to work with builders who have generational patience, but who also love crushing near term targets.
I value attitude over pedigree.
Please email Cameron@vfprotocol.com or dm me on the bird app if you’re excited about NFTs, Solidity, and the inversion of the financial world order.
All of the other stuff is moving along as well.
Partnerships are being discussed. T’s crossed. I’s dotted. etc etc
(some other really exciting stuff that I hope to announce soon as well)
What’s Next?
Try and break the V0 on Rinkeby.
Launching to Mainnet when we decide we can’t break it.
Take the first step to simplify P2P NFT Sales as much as humanly possible.
If you know NFT communities who could get value from this please reach out or share this post with them.
We’re also looking for Web3 company partners to help us test out our escrow API (coming soon) - so if you don’t want to build your own highly custom instantiation of escrow to support your dapp then please reach out or share this post with someone.
And of course -
Please sign up to Beta Test VF Protocol’s V0!
With infinite gratitude,
Founder of VF Protocol